Yet another awesome music video from OK Go.
There was a lot of math involved in getting all of the pyrotechnics to sync exactly with the music.
Another video showing more of the behind the scenes story.
Mini Maker Faire |
Model of Artemis Temple constructed from sugar cubes |
The cubic structural evolution project, 2004, is a hands-on installation by Danish-Icelandic artist, Olafur Eliasson. Comprising thousands of pieces of white Lego bricks scattered on a large table, the work invites Gallery visitors to become ‘architects’ by using the Lego to create endlessly re-forming structures limited only by imagination.Towering cityscapes emerge out of the rubble of Lego bricks and constantly evolve as new visitors contribute to the work through construction, modification, destruction and re-construction – processes inherent to the lifecycle of any metropolis.